Artificial Intelligence

Chamber of Commerce Switzerland - Central Europe SEC together with chambers of commerce in the Central Eastern Europe CEE region invites you to the webinar series “CEE-SWISS IMPULSE SESSION”

You are welcome to participate (free) on the next CEE Swiss Impulse Session on

Online, Tuesday, 11th of June 2024, 11:00 - 11:45 CET


How Industrial Companies Can Benefit from Generative AI

MALCOLM WERCHOTA, ChatGPT evangelist & operations leader

Malcolm Werchota is a ChatGPT evangelist with extensive expertise in energy, healthcare, and AI-driven innovation. With a background at Schlumberger and Novartis, he is now the co-founder and CMO/CFO of Coating AI, a Swiss start-up that leverages Artificial Intelligence to optimize coating processes. As a renowned keynote speaker and workshop leader, Malcolm heads the AI practice at Triple Eight Solutions, a Swiss-based consultancy offering cutting-edge, hands-on guidance for implementing generative AI across key corporate functions, including Marketing, HR, IT, and Production. An Austrian citizen, Malcolm holds a Master’s in Material Science from the University of Leoben (with his thesis from Imperial College London) and an MBA from ESADE.